Kenyan Collection

The Kenyan Collection markets and sells a
collection of fine handmade dog collars and dog leashes straight from Kenya, Africa. Currently Kenyan Collection is working with 1 group and 2 families who produce
products such as beaded leather work (leather dog collars, leather dog leashes), hand carved birds and bird mobiles and wooden
bowls. Our goal is to demonstrate that products made in Africa can
compete in the global marketplace, while at the same time creating
employment for the artisans, in the hope that they will have an
investment in, and an opportunity to change, their own future and
the future of their children. "We have seen clearly where hope
and opportunity exists in one part of the world it can impact peace
and stability across the globe." The company generates income for
over 200 Kenyans who otherwise might earn as little as $1,500 a year.
Joan Schultz, the owner, was living in Kenya when a group of Maasai herded 13 of
their precious cattle to the US Embassy in Nairobi to express their condolences
to the families affected by the events of September 11.
“The gift of the cattle, which are so precious to the Maasai, was a way to say how wrong that event was and how sorry they were for our losses. It made me realize that we all have 'gifts' to share and we do what we can to make a difference to help each other in spite of our own constraints.” What we are doing is not charity or a hand-out, but just as the Maasai and many other Kenyans extended their hand in sympathy and concern in their own way, we are reciprocating in our way by providing guidance and presenting their talents to a demanding market.
Why is The Kenyan Collection NOT a non-profit? Because the Kenyans felt that setting up as a non-profit would suggest donations are required or desired to sustain this operation and suggest customers would need to manage expectations in terms of quality of products. These are both assumptions the Kenyans specifically wanted to challenge….and they have. We don’t want your donation, we want your business which we will earn by ensuring every customer is satisfied with the product purchased with their hard earned money. While there are many who have tried to duplicate some of the work and designs of our artisans, in terms of creativity, consistency and quality we are sure you will agree there is no comparison.