Mimi Green
Mimi Green Dog Collars are truly one-of-a kind! We believe that your dog is a reflection of yourself. We believe that you have really great taste.
We believe in combining the two:
your great taste with your dog, brings you Mimi Green Designer Dog Collars, Leashes, and more! They were tired of dog products that were sub par and were ready to bring exciting, good quality, good for you, stylish dog products into your life.
They want the items you choose for your dog to mean something to you.
The designer behind the brand's sister had a childhood security blanket she named 'Mimi Green', and she still sleeps with her to this day, 20 years later. She is handmade, she is functional, she still looks good, and most importantly, she makes her sister FEEL good. These are the same values that Mimi Green Designs stands for. I hope we can bring the same good feelings to your daily dog walks, feedings and cuddles.