Secret Garden Ultrasuede Dog Harness by
Susan Lanci. The enchanting Secret Garden collection from Susan Lanci features three multicolor flowers centered with glimmering Swarovski Crystals. The soft, comfortable Ultrasuede fabric is breathable, washable and colorfast. Each item comes with an Ultrasuede® tag and a “Made with CRYSTALLIZED™ - Swarovski Elements” hang tag that displays your registration number. Made in the USA.
Available Sizes:Size
| Girth Measurement
| 8 - 10"
| 10 - 12"
| 12 - 14"
| 14 - 16"
| 15 - 17"
| 17 - 20"
Available Colors: Bimini Blue, Black, Platinum, Pink Sapphire, Puppy Pink
Available Colors: Amethyst, Baltic Blue, Bimini Blue, Bimini Houndstooth, Black, Black and White Houndstooth, Black and White Polka Dot, Bronze, Burgundy, Butternut, Champagne, Champagne Glitzerati, Cheetah, Cheetah Light, Chocolate, Chocolate Glen Houndstooth, Classic Glen Houndstooth, Doe, Doe Plaid, Electric Orange, Electric Pink, Emerald, Fawn, French Lavender, Giraffe, Green, Hide, Indigo, Kiwi, Lime Green, Mango Cheetah, Marigold, Mint, Mocha, Montego Blue, Mulberry, Olive, Orange, Peaches n Cream, Peaches n Cream Glen Houndstooth, Peaches n Cream Houndstooth, Perfect Pink, Periwinkle, Pink Cheetah, Pink Sapphire, Platinum, Platinum Cheetah, Platinum Glitzerati, Plum Crazy, Puppy Blue, Puppy Pink, Raspberry, Red, Red Cheetah, Red Pepper, Rosewood, Royal Blue, Sahara, Serengeti, Spice, Sunshine, Tiffi Blue, Tiffi Cheetah, Ultraviolet, White, Windsor Check, Wine n Roses